To prevent dust accumulation and blockage formation in filters
To prevent wear on the Filter Housing
To prevent rapid wear on equipment such as fans, to extend the service life
Modernization of equipment with minimum investment to meet the increase in production
Reducing the cost of Operation and Maintenance
The need for increased production and lower emission values creates the need to review, renew and strengthen existing dedusting systems. These modernization works can be done with technological solutions by providing significant savings with the cost-effective works we offer.
Non-uniform flow in the filter increases the filter operating pressure difference and increases the energy consumption of the filter fan after the filter. In addition, non-uniform flow patterns reduce the lifetime of expensive filter bags. By ensuring uniform flow distribution, less energy consumption and long bag life can be achieved.
Stages of Retrofit for Bag Filters
Filter Bag Failures
Burst Issue on the Bag at the top side
Filter bags burst from the top side
Possible Cause of the Problem
Centering problem of the Cleaning air nozzle
There is dust in the cleaning side (top boxes)
Abrasions on the cleaning pipe and nozzles
Possible Solutions
Control the centering of the cleaning nozzles
Replacement of cleaning pipe and nozzles
How does the problem occur
Any single bag is burst
Dust escapes from the burst bag into the cleaning pipes
Nozzle holes and venturies are damages
Shooting angle changes with dust abrasion
Abrasive dust into cleaning pipe hits venturies
After venturies damages many bags burst happen too fast
Prevention of venturies damages with new easy-change nozzle
Reducing bags bursting.
Preventing the problem from occurring by using a burst bag detector
Energy savings with reduced compressed air requirement
Burst Issue on the Bag at the bottom side & cylindrical side
Filter bags burst from the bottom side & cylindrical side
Possible Causes of the Problem
Poor filter design
High can velocity
High Approach Velocity
High Transversal Velocity
Poor flow distribution inside the filter
Incorrect design of the filter inlet pipeline
Possible Solutions
Cfd Analysis to find the cause of the bags burst
Retrofit Project Example on Bag Filter
Mill Process Bag Filter CFD Analyses &Flow Optimization
The aim of this study is to investigate the inlet region and inside of the filter flow. Filter interior design should be done correctly.
Inlet and outlet pipeline design is as important as the filter interior design. Because poor inlet pipeline design changes the filter performance.
Problems of the Poor Inlet Pipeline Design
Irregular air flow in filter and some of the bags not working properly
High energy consumption with increased system resistance
Corrosion occurs on filters casing and bags in irregular flow areas
Filter gas flow : 1.100.000 m3/h actual
Gas density : 0,850 kg/m3
Solver : ANSYS CFX
Existing Filter Design Problems
Irregular air flow inlet pipeline
Big swirl in filter inlet
Irregular flow distribution on manifolds
Big swirl in filter outlet and filter fan performance losses
Existing Filter Design Problems
Irregular flow velocity under surface of bags
Design Revisions
Guide vanes are added to the inlet ducting
Straightener baffles are added in outlet section
The aim of this study is to investigate the inlet line and inside of the converted bag filter flow.
Inlet and outlet design is as important as the filter interior design. Because poor inlet design changes the filter performance.
Filter gas flow : 603 000 m3/h actual
Gas density : 0,735 kg/m3
Solver : ANSYS CFX
Fan performance loss is prevented by output pipeline correction ( Pleasesee AMCA 201-02 / System inlet effectclause)
Bag Filter structural analyses / Large deflection problem
Calsined Clay Jet Pulse Filter Flow Optimization
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